====== Cheap Aid ====== [[:robotrek:quest:|back]] - [[:robotrek:|index]] Once you reach step (9) on [[:robotrek:quest:main_past|Past]] you can revisit the [[:robotrek:map:forest_of_illusions_past_2nd|Forest of Illusions]] which will open a second path to the west. Which eventually leads to [[:robotrek:map:forest_of_illusions_past_north|Count Prinky's]] building site. [[:robotrek:characters#count_prinky|The Count]] will ask you for help for [[:robotrek:characters#igor|Igor]] to speed up the construction of his estate. If you have at least started [[:robotrek:quest:little_helper|Little Helper]], you know the recipe to build a {{:robotrek:item:little_robot.png?nolink}} [[:robotrek:item:little_robot|Little Robot]]. You can build one for 2000 GP, e.g. in the [[:robotrek:invent|R&D]] in the [[:robotrek:map:spaceship|spaceship]], and give it to [[:robotrek:characters#count_prinky|Count Prinky]]. - Or, you already have {{:robotrek:item:scrapb.png?nolink}} [[:robotrek:item:scrapb|Scrap B]] and can combine it with {{:robotrek:item:scrap7.png?nolink}} [[:robotrek:item:scrap7|Scrap 7]] to form {{:robotrek:item:little_robot.png?nolink}} [[:robotrek:item:little_robot|Little Robot]]. When you equip the {{:robotrek:item:little_robot.png?nolink}} [[:robotrek:item:little_robot|Little Robot]] and then talk to [[:robotrek:characters#count_prinky|The Count]], he'll reward you with 5000 GP.